Aiden's Birthday was on March 3rd, so we had a little party for him. He was so excited about it. We did almost an exact repeat of last year, except I made cupcakes instead of a cake. We had a Toy Story theme, bought chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-a, and had veggies and juice. We ate, opened presents, played at the park and then had birthday cupcakes. It was a fun day for Aiden. He loves his friends so much and wants to play with them all the time.
That night for dinner we let Aiden choose what he wanted for dinner and he chose cheeseburgers! We went to Mooyah's and then came home and opened presents from Trent and I. He got some rain boots, a board game, a Sit n Spin and Monsters Inc.
We love Aiden so much. He has turned into quite a talker. He talks all the time, still has so much energy and is so fun. He is a great older brother and loves Sienna so much. He never lets her take a nap or go to bed without giving her a hug and a kiss. He helps me so much around the house and with Sienna. He has gotten very good at picking up his toys and tells me often that the house is messy and we need to clean it up. His favorite foods are strawberries with whipped cream, honey nut cheerios, string cheese and ice cream. He is very inquisitive and asks questions about everything. He is very independent and can do most things by himself. He loves telling me his schedule and likes to know what's going on. He loves to go to the park, the zoo, the library, gymnastics and play with his friends. He still loves wrestling with whoever he can get his hands on. He always tells me that I'm beautiful, his best friend and that he loves me so much. He is really building up my self esteem. I don't know what I would do without him, I am so grateful for Aiden!!