I will miss my Grandpa so much. I have so many great memories of him. I will miss him teasing me, his great advice and always telling me, "How keen I am." He was so stubborn and smart and always emphasized getting an education. We always knew what he was thinking and he supported me in everything I did. Here are some great pictures of him.

After I got back on Wednesday, we had a pretty relaxing weekend. Our anniversary was on Friday, so we got a babysitter and went to the melting pot. Sooo delicious. It was so nice to not be in a hurry and to get to enjoy the experience. I can't believe it has been 3 years, it feels like we just got married. It was so fun to spend some quality alone time with Trent and remember why we actually got married. I love that guy.
We got some things done around the house on Sat, went and played at the park, and then I went to the relief society broadcast. Today we found out that Lori had a layover at DFW! I love it when that happens. So we took some lunch and hung out with her. Trent let me have a fantastic nap and then we went to our friend, Kaitlin's, birthday party. It was a great weekend. Here are some pictures of Aiden, after he fell asleep. He was so tired he rolled over when I was changing his diaper and stuck his butt up in the air.