After that we went to Aiden's favorite place, the park, and let him play for a while. For lunch we had the classic pb & j with of course, more strawberries. After his nap, we had volleyball lessons and practice so he hung out at the gym for a while before Trent could take him home and make mini pizza's for dinner.
We had his Elmo Birthday party at the park on Thursday because our apt is so small, the weather was pretty nice and Aiden loves the park. We had cake and ice cream and then opened presents. We stayed for a while and played at the park and had a little accident that made Aiden's lips look like the lady from Best in Show...aka huge! Poor guy, he just keeps falling and getting hurt somehow.
Some of Aiden's favorite things are Elmo, Elmo movies, his Elmo blanket, cars, dancing, music, shoes, not wearing clothes, orange juice, treats, jumping, strawberries, the park, climbing in things, making messes, Sesame Street, singing, playing with my kitchen appliances, gum, phones, friends, and family (especially Grandpa's). He is constantly on the move and keeps us very busy. I laugh really hard at him at least once a day. He is talking more and more everyday and that makes it so much easier to understand and compromise with him. He loves helping us with whatever we are doing and loves to see what's going on. He loves babies and is obsessed with blowing raspberries on my stomach. He is going to be a great big brother. We love him so much it's unbelievable.
YOU'RE HAVING A GIRL!!! Yay! I am so happy for you. You will love it. Aiden looks so cute and it sounds like he is doing all sorts of adorable things. I am impressed with his birthday cake. Did you make it? It looks awesome and I'm sure he loved it.
I love his hair, so cute. I'm glad he had a great day. We need to skype soon.
Cake looks awesome good job! Poor kid though his lip doesn't look too good hopefully he can quit falling.
His birthday party looked a lot like Shalece's 2nd birthday as well. She loved Elmo and even had that exact same cake! Congrats on the baby girl, they are so fun. Get used to the falling down thing with Aiden, Brandon still falls down all the time, but I think age 2 was the worst age for it!
I didn't even know you were pregnant! Hip Hip Hooray. Congratulations. And Happy day to Aiden. Those lips looks so painful.
HOLY MOLEY!!!! way to go with baby #2. Ps I love aiden. he is super cute. maybe him and roman could be pals?! anyway, hope your fam is doing well. miss you
A girl! How exciting! I was at your mom's on Valentines Day and got to see Aiden...he is growing so cute.
A girl!!! That's awesome! Happy birthday to Aiden and hope those lips healed up quick!
Congrats on #2! That is so exciting! And we can't believe your little man is crazy!
Yeah for little girls! Congrats. Send me your address so i can send you some cute things i currently into making for baby girls.
That was so fun to get to know Aiden better. Sounds like he had a fun day and we hope that his lips heal soon.
His birthday looked so fun. Emi is OBSESSED with Elmo since staying with you guys! I hope Aiden's poor lips got better soon. Can't believe he's 2 and SO excited for you to have a girl!
Happy Birthday Aiden! Congratulations on the little girl :) So exciting!
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! First of all you have a two-year old. And another baby on the way. Crazy. Second of all Aiden's swollen lips are enormous and hilarious. Poor baby. Lastly, I'm digging the faux hawk that Aiden is sporting. I miss you guys!!! Can't wait for May.
WHoa.... You're having another baby!! Congratulations!!! Aiden is so cute and fun. It seems like he is smiling in EVERY shot. Also, I agree with Lexi, his lips are hilarious/ridiculous in those last two pics. I feel like that is gonna be a blackmail picture when he is older. Love/miss you.
Hey there. I COMPLETELY missed the part on this post about you being pregnant! Todd and Chelsea told me tonight on the phone. CONGRATS! And a girl too?! So exciting! Hope you are feeling well! Miss you guys!
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