*He LOVES his diaper bag. I took everything out of the diaper bag to wash it and it has been on the bed in his room drying. Everytime I change his diaper he falls in love with his bag all over again. He will just sit and stare at the bag. It is hilarious. Thanks ELK for the amazing, and distracting, diaper bag.
*Aiden's new trick is to shake his head at me. I have discovered he will do it on two occasions. The first is when we are playing around and he will try to eat my face or give me eskimo kisses. The second is when he doesn't like what I have done or he doesn't want something. When we put him to bed he will usually shake his head at us.
*Saturday we had gone swimming and I was just about to put him in the tub when he wet all over me. Classic. This is not a new trick, he has been doing this since he was born.
*Last week, for two days in a row, he was the moodiest kid ever! I thought I was going to go crazy. I couldn't put him down, he wouldn't sleep and nothing I did seemed to help. One day he was screaming so loud the only thing I could do was take a picture. This is definitely out of the ordinary for Aiden. He is usually really good and laid back. I don't know if he is teething or wasn't feeling well, but I am glad those two days are over.
*He has this strange fascination with his hands. It's like everytime he looks at them he can't believe they are his own. He will turn his palm up and just stare at his hands for a while, Trent and I think it is the funniest thing.
I could probably go on writing about Aiden forever. He is so much fun and we love him so much!!